BALDWIN HOUSE, Glenora — This past Friday, HRH The Grand Duke issued a package of Letters Patent appointing foreign dignitaries to orders of state for the first time in Eniarku’s history. The individuals conferred new honours by Letters Patent 2405-2408 are:

  • HIM Jonathan of Austenasia
  • HI&RAM Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia
  • HM William, King in Illinois
  • The Rt. Hon. Rev. Joseph Marx

In a brief statement made after the release of the honours package, a spokesperson for Grand Duke Alexander’s office noted that the appointees are “some of Eniarku’s most important allies in the Community, and many are longtime personal friends of His Royal Highness, so we are thrilled to formally express our appreciation for these relationships after all these years.”

Several other domestic honours recipients were also announced last week on 6 September, including the Prince of August and Lady Elizabeth, Grand Duke Alexander’s brother and fiancé, respectively. Notably, Lady Elizabeth was created as the inaugural Honourary Grand Master of the Royal Alexandrian Order, in preparation for her marriage to HRH The Grand Duke next year. The royal wedding is expected to be celebrated with a commemorative medal as well.

The Council of State has also resumed work on the criminal and civil codes announced in July following its lengthy end of summer recess, while a major project to update the Government website has been put on hold, owing to time constraints by administrators.
