Welcome to the official website of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Eniarku, a sovereign micronation located in North America. Please explore this website and our pages on MicroWiki for more information and news about Eniarku, or contact us with questions or comments. Viva Eniarku!

    Recent News

  • Diplomatic Expansion Act enacted; new laws in drafting stage

    BALDWIN HOUSE, Glenora — Together with the Council of State, HRH The Grand Duke has enacted the Diplomatic Expansion Act (A.S. 2406), designed to be Eniarku’s most ambitious diplomatic endeavor since its early years and the first of a series of planned outreach programs to reinvigorate relations with the Community. The new law calls for the creation of a dozen new treaties with various “nations of interest” that the Government has identified as key players in the contemporary Community, which will be distributed within the next 30 days and tracked in a central database.

  • Return to the Community

    BALDWIN HOUSE, Glenora — After several long months of planning and preparation, the Government is pleased to announce Eniarku’s official return to the Community after a nearly six-year period of inactivity. With yesterday’s ratification of the nation’s first codified constitution, the Grand Duchy of Eniarku came into existence at 12am EST as the official successor state of the now-defunct kingdom.